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Interview with THE SWORD

Interview with THE SWORD by Reporter Killzone~ for

LtoR: Bryan Richie, KZ, Kyle Shutt

Kill Zone Interview with ‘The Sword’ at Freebird Live, Jacksonville beach, FL 11/21/15

KZ- How did the band come together?

Kyle- We started out playing in a bunch of bands in the Austin area together and separately. We bonded while playing at Emo’s and 710 it was really pretty natural. We decided to come together; there wasn’t a whole lot of bands like us at the time. We filled a gap and became the band we wanted to be.

KZ- Do you have anything to add Bryan?

Bryan- Absolutely not, no, nothing to add. (Laughter from both)

KZ- At what age did you start playing?

Bryan – 13; Kyle – 10 or 11, I started playing the guitar

KZ- Many people have to change instruments to get into the band they want to, anyone here start out playing something that did not fit into the type of music they now play?

Kyle – I wanted to play the drums, but our family didn’t have any drums. We had a few guitars laying around so that was kind of the default. But I’m glad now that I play a guitar. I’m definitely not a drummer.

Bryan - No, I started with the bass

KZ– Anything that you would like to learn now?

Kyle– I’d really like to learn how to play the piano, but I don’t think I want to practice that much.

Bryan – Same, but I have a piano at the house I got recently I’ve been trying to teach myself.

KZ- I know you don’t like labels and restraints, but as you’re evolving is there a boundary you wouldn’t see yourselves going to with the new direction in your lyrics and songs?

Kyle – I don’t ever see [the Sword] using the F’er word or swear words in any of our lyrics.

Bryan – Yea, we probably wouldn’t ever really swear ever, it’s not that weren’t not potty mouths, but yea in the context of lyrics I don’t think we would ever swear.

KZ – Is that due to the audience that you want to reach being of all age groups and you want to respect the children and the people that might be offended?

Bryan – I think it’s more of a classy move. Not that I’m saying I don’t own a bunch of records that drop the F bomb. There’s just no reason to really swear like that in the kind of songs we write.

Kyle – You can be a certain way and say it, but putting it on paper is really a little different sometimes I think.

KZ- I know John writes most of the music, but recently Bryan, you have been helping out a little bit more with some of the aspects of that. Is there anyone that may be stepping up and possible secretly writing rips that you might want to add?

Bryan - I really want to hear a Jimmy song, because he and I have been writing some songs for about a dozen years and he really came in this last record, Mist & Shadows, and probably one of our best songs and I would love to hear a Jimmy song.

Kyle – Yea, a Jimmy song would be great, he’s unreal. Jimmy is Santiago’s nickname just like yours is Kill Zone.

KZ- Your music includes many types of sound to include Blues, Psychedelic, as well as now adding more Harmony and attention to Percussion and backup vocals. Are there other influences that you have not mentioned before helping you create the mix that has been so successful for you so far?

Kyle – I just think we listen to a lot of stuff.

Bryan – Yea, we do listen to a lot of different kind of music, and it comes out of us in many different ways.

Kyle – [Laughter] Yea, pretty much what he said.

KZ- Your bio states that on your newest album your music reflects the music you listen to and where the band is collectively; is there a favorite CD or Video that is regularly played on the tour bus that everyone likes?

Bryan/ Kyle – There are many different albums that we latch onto sometimes at different parts in out tours. The first and second album from the French house band Justice.

Bryan – There was one October tour in the UK where we watched the goonies. We had like 14 dudes all on one bus watching the Goonies everyday.

KZ – And everyone was cool with that? That was fun.

Kyle – Everyone is around the same age group so it speaks to everyone. A timeless classic right there. [Laughter from all]

KZ- Bryan, where do you reside in your spare time and what is it that inspires you?

Bryan – I bought a house in what you could loosely call the country about an hour outside of Austin. But as songwriting goes, I feel like most of any sort of influence just comes from goofing around with different parts. The beginning of that song Missing Shadow, I had that little chorus and was playing around with it. I thought it was surely something else, that it somehow…. that this part that I had pinned was someone else’s part because it had this familiarity and I think that’s sometimes what I latch onto is this thing that is somehow familiar to you, but it’s not. So does that mean that it’s worth implementing into a song?

Kyle – I’ve been hanging out in Austin for about 15 years and I think it’s the environment that inspires me, I feel that I’ve tapped it for all it’s worth. I’ve actually just got approved for an apartment in Brooklyn in January so I’m anxious to see if that has any effect on the kind of music I enjoy,

Bryan – You’ll start writing a bunch of country songs about Texas.

Kyle – Yea, right?

[Bryan and Kyle joking back and forth about changing his music style more like Steely Dan]

Bryan – If Kyle starts playing the saxophone then I’m going to start playing the flute, I’ve always wanted to play the flute… I just want to write some rap songs so I can put the flute in it.

KZ - Everyone that has ever been on the road misses things about home. Besides family and friends, what is it that you miss the most when you’re on tour?

Kyle – Sleep the most. I’m more at home on the road since I don’t have a family, pet or other responsibities, I like being on the road. I’ve just been enjoying my purpose in life, playing shows for people and I get to make a little money and have fun. You can’t really do that at home. There’s no real way to get that itch scratched so when I’m at home I just try to relax.

Bryan – I am the opposite because I do have kids so the second I get home, I’m dad immediately. It’s great walking in the house, although by the time I get relaxed and caught up, it’s time to go back on tour.

KZ- While touring the world, you pass so many wonderful sights, name some you actually got to stop and enjoy and what made it memorable?

Kyle – This last time we were in Europe the weather was really nice, we spent a lot of time in Scandinavia walking around and every little town we stopped in had some sort of fortress we got to check out. Some were the size of this venue and others the size of a this room. They were built everywhere to defend every small or large attack. The size of the fortress often was in relation to how often they were invaded over history. One was built to defend against a Danish attack that never happened, that one was really cool. We rarely get to see much while on tour while rushing to our next venue.

Bryan – although we only really work about an hour and a half, there is a lot of driving and setting up involved.

Kyle- I’ve seen the worst bathrooms America has to offer. It’s amazing how many nasty hole in the wall gas stations we stop at, where others are modern and spotless.

KZ – You have just started a new tour, what is the best way for your fans to keep up to date with your current tour dates?

Both agree - Google ‘The Sword’ tour dates and there will be multiple up to date

KZ- What is your craziest, most memorable show?

Kyle –We played for about 60,000 people in Istanbul with Metallica, Down, and us. And Then in Bucharest which had about 50k with just us and Metallica.It was pouring rain in a soccer stadium and was Insane watching Metallica play for those crowds. It was hard to grasp we were there!

KZ your artwork and videos lead to astrology, any insight on that

Bryan- There are not many music videos anymore so we got together with a production company we felt good working with and kind of steered them the way we wanted

KZ- Where is the best place for your fans to follow your new music, download and buy?

Bryan -

KZ – So you have plans for a new album?

Bryan – next march

KZ – So you have plans for a new tour?

Bryan – next march

Kill Zone- Thank you for allowing your fans an insight into your creative thoughts and I look forward to your next project.

Band Members:

  • John D. Cronise,

  • Kyle Shutt,

  • Bryan Richie,

  • Santiago Vela III


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